Bothell Exterior House Painting
SFW Painting is a professional home painting contractor in Bothell, Washington. Our crews are experienced, well-trained, and well equipped to handle your paint project. Whether it is interior painting, exterior painting, lead paint removal, or a historical home restoration project we are the contractor for you. We know how to safeguard your home creating a final Bothell exterior home paint finish that will increase the durability, longevity, and value of your home.
An Exceptional Paint Job Begins With Prep Work
Every outstanding paint job we conduct begins with a detailed preparation phase that prepares your home to be repainted. The prep phase is essential and must not be overlooked. For years your home faces normal wear and tear from use, and from the weather which includes; growth of mildew and moss, and the buildup of natural elements that accumulate on the exterior surfaces. This is why we wash and scrape all that unwanted detritus away to arrive at a “clean slate” upon which painting will be most effective before painting your home. Next, we power spray and scrape the entire exterior of your Bothell home and seal any unwanted crevices and cracks with NP-150 SONOLASTIC before the painting begins.
Primer Serves An Essential Purpose
The first coat of paint is the primer which is just as important as the final coat because the primer further seals your home and serves as an especially effective surface to lay the final coat of paint. After the primer, the final coat allows you to get creative and chose color pairings that give your Bothell home a unique color scheme.
"Great experience, from initial contact through to final invoice payment. Painters (Wendy & Max) were careful, considerate, thorough, and professional. The estimate and work in progress accounting was fair, transparent, and responsive. Highly recommended."
"SFW from start to finish on my two decks were exemplary. Alex and Bryan supervised their team and were kind, professional, and kept me in the loop every step. They were also very clean and timely. I highly recommend this company for any of your construction needs."
"Greg and the team did a great job of managing the project. Work was done in a timely and efficient manner and communications were clear and professional. Any follow-up items were quickly addressed and I am very pleased with the paintwork that was done."