Woodinville Exterior House Painting
SFW Painting is a professional painting contractor in Woodinville, Washington. We have served the area since 2005, and the secret to our success is paying close attention to all the details of the job, which means thoroughly assessing your house in all its unique specifications and characteristics. We look at each new job as an opportunity to learn something new and as a challenge to provide the perfect exterior painting strategy for your Woodinville home.
We Start Your Woodinville Exterior Painting Project With Exceptional Prep Work
Comprehensive preparation work sets the stage for the exterior painting to proceed smoothly. The purpose of prep work is to clean the outer surfaces of your Woodinville home so that the painting applications will adhere properly, be durable, and long-lasting. We start prep work by power spraying your home to remove the dust and dirt, the mildew, mold, and grime accumulated on the exterior painted surfaces. Then we scrape the exterior thoroughly to remove any remaining residues and forge a “clean slate” upon which we can efficiently begin to paint. Lastly, we seal the unwanted cracks and crevices with NP-150 SONOLASTIC caulking to waterproof the exterior painted surfaces of your Woodinville home.
Professional Exterior Painting Contractor Woodinville
As tenured professionals in the painting trade, we are extensively skilled at what we do. So, we use only the best paints brands and styles to paint your Woodinville home. Having delighted hundreds of customers with our high-quality painting, over the years we’ve also developed a shining reputation for excellent customer service. We regard our customers as our most highly valued resource. After all, without you, we’d have no homes to paint. So, we treat you the way you deserve to be treated, with respect, courtesy, and admiration.
"Great experience, from initial contact through to final invoice payment. Painters (Wendy & Max) were careful, considerate, thorough, and professional. The estimate and work in progress accounting was fair, transparent, and responsive. Highly recommended."
"SFW from start to finish on my two decks were exemplary. Alex and Bryan supervised their team and were kind, professional, and kept me in the loop every step. They were also very clean and timely. I highly recommend this company for any of your construction needs."
"Greg and the team did a great job of managing the project. Work was done in a timely and efficient manner and communications were clear and professional. Any follow-up items were quickly addressed and I am very pleased with the paintwork that was done."