Bremerton Exterior House Painting
SFW Painting is a professional home painting contractor in Bremerton, Washington. Our crews are experienced, well-trained, and well equipped to handle your paint project. Whether it is interior painting, exterior painting, lead paint removal, or a historical home restoration project we are the contractor for you. We know how to safeguard your home creating a final Bremerton exterior home paint finish that will increase the durability, longevity, and value of your home.
Express Your Personality Through An Exterior Paint Job For Your Bremerton Home
Professional exterior home painting in Bremerton involves a series of crucial phases that all must be followed diligently. Prep work is the first essential stage. We begin by power spraying the exterior of your home to remove all the dirt and dust, the mildew, mold, and grime. Then we scrape the exterior painted surfaces to arrive at a smooth and clean painting surface. Lastly, we seal all the unwanted crevices and cracks with NP-150 SONOLASTIC caulking to weatherproof your home.
After that, we use a primer coat which sets the stage for the final coat of paint when you can choose any paint color you desire. If you are confused or looking for some advice we offer color consultations. However, we do want to respect our customer’s choices in deciding upon the unique color pairings that make their homes beautiful. Whatever colors of the rainbow you select, we always use professional-grade paint from Miller, Rodda, or Sherwin Williams.
Bremerton Exterior Painting Services
We provide a variety of exterior home painting, including restoration painting, lead renovation and encapsulation, conventional residential coatings, and painting for historical homes. Whatever kind of painting you need, we’ve done it before and will do it for you in the most professional manner possible.
"Great experience, from initial contact through to final invoice payment. Painters (Wendy & Max) were careful, considerate, thorough, and professional. The estimate and work in progress accounting was fair, transparent, and responsive. Highly recommended."
"SFW from start to finish on my two decks were exemplary. Alex and Bryan supervised their team and were kind, professional, and kept me in the loop every step. They were also very clean and timely. I highly recommend this company for any of your construction needs."
"Greg and the team did a great job of managing the project. Work was done in a timely and efficient manner and communications were clear and professional. Any follow-up items were quickly addressed and I am very pleased with the paintwork that was done."